Tennis School Policies


The following Policies are in the interest of safety and courtesy to all members, guests, players, parents, caregivers, facility renters and participants on the court and The Swing School facility. We urge all mentioned above to review them carefully and abide by them.

  • Members and guests are expected to display proper respect and sportsmanship towards their fellow players, coaches, officials, parents, volunteers, Board of Directors, office staff and the general public at all times.
  • All players, their siblings and players’ guests should not be left unattended while at the tennis school. A parent or guardian MUST be in attendance at all times or designate another parent the responsibility for the player in their absence. It is not up to coaches of The Swing School or helpers to take players to the washroom or to watch them as they get a drink.
  • Pushing, tripping, horseplay or intentional interference with other players is not permitted on the court or elsewhere in the facility.
  • Parents/Guardians of participants are responsible for the behavior of their children during all sessions.
  • Parents/Guardians and spectators are requested to watch sessions from the viewing area, not the at the entry gates so as not interfere with lessons or block access to the court.
  • Money or valuables should not be left in the change rooms. The tennis school bears no responsibility for loss or theft of valuables left unattended.
  • Participants are only allowed to use the facility on sessions they are qualified and registered for.
  • Kicking, digging or scratching the court surface with any object is prohibited.
  • Play responsibly. Watch out for other players. Show respect for coaches.
  • Due to insurance requirements, only registered members are permitted on the court, except in a medical emergency.
  • Spectators, including parents of players, may watch quietly from the stands or seating area, must refrain from conversing with or offering directions to players on the court. (If a player needs more direction, the coach should be consulted after the session, and a plan developed to help the player become more independent.)
  • Participants must pick up the balls and equipment during and after the session.
  • Participants must clear the court promptly at the end of each session.
  • The parents/guardians give us permission to take pictures of their kids during the training session or tournament and use them on our club’s websites and social sites. Please, notify your coach in writing , if you do not want your child to appear on the picture or video.

Registration and Payment

  • Member registration takes place prior to each season: Full Year, Fall/Winter, Winter/Spring and Summer. All tennis players, must complete registration before they begin taking lessons. Registration is online . Please visit our website for details.
  • All players must pay an annual Tennis By Dennis Membership fee of $175.00. The fee charged to each member includes insurance, uniform and maintenance of the facility. It  runs from September 1 to August 31.


  • FULL PAYMENT by e-transfer, cash, cheque or online invoice ONLY. Payable to TENNIS BY DENNIS SPORTS SCHOOL. Full payment is due right after the registration date. If you choose to go to PAYMENT PLAN options, please choose the payment plan and provide post-dated cheques dated on the 1st of each month.


  • Players qualify for the group classes according to test levels completed or coach’s evaluation. If a player has not completed tests, or wishes to train in a class for which he or she may not be formally qualified, an application for assessment may be made to the head tennis coach, who will determine appropriateness of the player’s request.

Program changes

  • A member wishing to make a change to his or her program after registration has been accepted may request such a change at the school office or by e-mail . Changes that can reasonably be accommodated will be granted; if a change is not possible, an alternative may be suggested. There may be a $150 administrative fee charged for the change.


  • A member wishing to withdraw from a session after registration has been accepted should make the request in writing , providing appropriate supporting documentation. See refund policy, below. The $175 Membership Fee is non-refundable.


  • A refund may be provided if medical or extenuating personal circumstances make it impossible for the member to continue with a session. Application must be made in writing, with appropriate supporting documentation and send to The decision to provide a refund will be made by the tennis school owner. Please note that the Office staff cannot approve refund requests. There is a $150 processing fee for all refunds. The $175 Membership Fee and the first 3 months of training are non-refundable. Once the member or his/her parent is dismissed from the program for disrespect and unethical behavior no refunds will be issued.

Make-Up lessons

  • If you do not attend the private lesson and have not notified us by email 24 hours in advance, you will be charged for that lesson.
  • Missed sessions due to sickness, injuries, vacations or other reasons are not reimbursed.
  • All efforts are made to provide an opportunity for make-up classes within the program, if space is available. You will need to discuss this directly with your coach to see what can be done.


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