5 dedicated courts
Open 24/7 , 365 days a year
Tournaments and Leagues ready (text Dennis 416-802-9849, tennisbydennisacademy@gmail.com)
5 dedicated courts
$50/hr court rental
Unlimited Play: $150 per month
$125/hr private lesson (1-on-1)
$150/hr semi-private (1-on-3, instructor will play in)
Group classes offered as well HERE
$80/hr ball machine rental
What is Pickleball?
A Lively Racket Game For All Ages and Abilities
Pickle-ball was created with one thing in mind: fun. It was designed to be easy to learn and play whether you’re five, eighty-five or somewhere in between.
Court and Gear
Pickle-ball is traditionally played on a badminton-sized court with special Pickle-ball paddles, made of wood or high-tech aerospace materials. The ball used is similar to a wiffle ball, but slightly smaller. The lower net and wiffle ball allow the game to be accessible to people of all ages and abilities, while still allowing more competitive players to test their mettle. Pickleball Inc. is the original manufacturer of pickleball paddles, nets, balls, and accessories. The latest versions of all these products can be found here on our website.